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Home Energy Assistance Program

The program is federally funded and contracted between Ozark Opportunities, Inc. and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality for local administration to assist our community with Non-Emergency and Crisis assistance for Winter Heating and Summer Cooling. Winter Benefits include financial assistance with Electric, Natural Gas, Propane, Wood, Fuel Oil, and Pellets. 

The LIHEAP Winter Program opened December 9th for Priority enrollment households that hav ea child under 6, an individual 60 or over, and/or a household member that is disabled.

The program opened to the public on January 6th.

FOR QUESTIONS, please call your local county office:

  • Baxter       870-425-5118

  • Boone       870-741-2089 

  • Marion       870-425-5118

  • Newton      870-741-2089

  • Searcy       501-745-2437

  • Van Buren 501-745-2437

LIHEAP income eligibility chart HERE

Applicant rights & responsibilities HERE


Outreach Offices may now conduct in-person interviews by appointment. To make an appointment, please call the Outreach Office in the county where you reside.

NOTE: LIHEAP Benefits cannot be considered income or resources for any purpose under state or federal law, including taxation. 

FORMS Found Here:

Application for utility assistance found HERE

Odd Job/Expense Report found HERE

Contribution Statement found HERE

Earnings Statement found HERE

Request for Appeal Hearing form found HERE


The agency must verify HEAP eligibility requirements.  Verify means to secure proof of the accuracy of information given by household. 

Required Documentation includes:

1. Your completed application. Applications can be mailed, delivered in-person or left in the drop box. Please call ahead for address and to ensure office is open. 

2. Copies of your current electric, gas, or propane bill. Please include any shut-off notices.

3. Social Security numbers for all household members, regardless of age. 

  • ​Cards required for applicants 18+ years of age

  • Numbers required for all other individuals in the household (unless under 1 year of age, a birth certificate may be shown). 

4. Proof of identification for adult household members. Acceptable forms of ID (include but not limited to): 

Driver's License or ID card issued by State, Birth Certificate, School identification card with photograph, identification card for health benefits or other assistance, U.S. Military card, or any type of paycheck stub containing the name and address of the person

5. Proof of income for all household members 18 years or older for the previous month:

  • This includes all check stubs with pay date or check date for previous month

  • Proof of unemployment for all household members 18 years of older. 

  • Proof of Social Security, Retirement, Pensions, Workman's Comp, or Disability

  • Proof of Child Support

  • If no one in the household receives income, additional forms will have to be completed to process application.    


Non Emergency LIHEAP will not prevent a shut-off.

The agency has up to 35 days to process your application. Applications are processed as quickly as possible. No calls will be made to the utility company for the regular assistance program.


  •  After your application is reviewed, you will receive a written notice explaining your eligibility and the amount of assistance you will receive.

  • Payments are usually sent directly to a utility company or fuel provider and are credited to your account after application has been approved. Please allow 35 days from date of your application’s approval for payment to post.

  • Appeals: Once a decision on your application has been made, if you wish to appeal the decision, you may obtain an appeal form from your local Community Action Agency or you may click HERE to access and print the Request for Appeal Hearing form to complete and send to the address listed at the bottom of the page.

Weatherization Referrals:

Weatherization referrals are available through the LIHEAP application process. If you are interested in being considered for the weatherization program, please answer “Yes” to both questions under the “Weatherization Services (WAP)” section on your LIHEAP application. Your contact information will be shared with the Weatherization Agency serving this area. That agency is Black River Area Development Corporation (BRAD); (870) 892-4547; Once referral is made, Ozark Opportunities, Inc. will not be able to provide status updates.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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