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Ozark Opportunities, Inc. is a private, non-profit 501c3 established in 1969 as a Community Action Agency providing services to six counties in Arkansas: Baxter, Boone, Marion, Newton, Searcy and Van Buren.
The Agency is governed by a tri-partite board, meaning there are three representatives per county consisting of one public official, one representing the private sector (business, law enforcement, etc.) and a low-income representative.
We are proud to say OOI is made up of a group of people who are passionate about the communities in which we live and serve. Community Needs Assessments are performed on a regular basis for all counties served and the information gathered is the basis for the CEO's vision incorporated into the Strategic Planning process.
Ozark Opportunities, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
Through the years, our agency has been involved or acted as the “Lead Agency” and/or secured funding for various projects and programs that were later spun off and/or operations assumed by other organizations. These include:
Creation of the Community Resource Group; Fayetteville, AR. to develop rural water & sewer systems in rural Arkansas counties in Northwest Arkansas. Now a multi-million dollar organization serving multiple states, their mission is “helping people build secure and sustainable futures by assisting small, rural communities in their work to solve water and wastewater problems, and by helping hardworking families realize the American dream of having a safe, secure place to call home.”
Past initiatives include:
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Harrison Arkansas.
Doctor-on-Retainer Program (Lead Agency for State-6 delegate Agencies).
VISTA Volunteer Program.
Feeder Pig Program (Seed program-similar to Heifer, International).
Rural Production and Marketing of Ozark Crafts Program.
Elderly Nutritional Feeding Program, precursor to Meals on Wheels.
Elderly Transportation Program.
Day Care Centers (Harrison & Clinton).
Before and After School Programs (Marshall & Clinton).
Grants for building Community Centers in Diamond City, Leslie, Harrison (RSVP Center) and Clinton.
Grants for local Volunteer Fire Departments.
Heavy Equipment Training Class-NAC (North Arkansas College).
WIC Program.
Fiscal Agent for TEA Coalitions for Marion and Searcy Counties.
Housing Preservation Grant Program.
Self-Help Housing Program.
Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Preschool classrooms.
Operated Community Centers; two in each county.
Fan & Blanket Program for Elderly.
Holiday Food Baskets, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Individual Development Account Program; matched savings accounts for education.
Emergency Medical, Vision, Dental Program(s).
Wear & Share; Clinton.
Garden Program.
Cannery available to the public.
Family Planning Program.
Emergency Food and Shelter (FEMA).
Volunteers in Action, volunteering opportunities for individuals 55 and older
Weatherization Program (ARRA & DOE/LIHEAP & AWP).
Head Start backpack program.
Commodities (USDA surplus food)
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)